Reflections on our group's project and colleagues presentations

For a group project in our Instructional Technologies course at NDSU, Macey Kleinjan and Nouf Alhomoud, (Feel free to use the hyperlink to check out their blogs) and I chose to utilize the ASSURE model to design a lesson plan which we could use to teach our classmates about what we learned about the experiential, problem-based, and inquiry-based learning theories. As we began to work with the ASSURE model, I found the lesson plan template that I had previously obtained from Arizona State University's Professional Learning Library to be very user friendly. I personally really appreciated how the first aspect of the ASSURE model is analyzing the learners so that the instruction will be tailored to their specific needs. As we analyzed the class, we realized that as active instructors many of our classmates would likely already be familiar with one if not all three of the learning theories. We therefore transitioned our focus on what we thought would be the most useful for our colleagues which was thinking about ways that the three different learning theories could be or have been successfully incorporated into the classroom.

To do this we utilized Google Classroom to create a platform that we could upload resources on the experiential learning, problem-based learning and inquiry based learning theories and ASSURE model. We also created and uploaded a google document in which everyone could add ideas of things they have done or could do in their classrooms so that we could all benefit from a shared knowledge. Prior to taking this course, I had never heard of Google Classroom, but after using it I would highly recommend it.  It is free to use, and creating a classroom using it took only minutes. One key limitation, however, is that it requires that the users (including students accessing it) have a gmail account to access it.

If you want to check out our Google Classroom and presentation, follow the hyperlink and use the following access code ym3s24o.

In addition to the ASSURE model's focus on the students, the other aspect of it that I particularly found useful was its prompt for evaluating and revising.  Through this prompt our lesson underwent two major changes. The first change transitioned the lesson from largely lecture and video based to incorporating an active learning technique using a google doc upon which everyone would record ways to incorporate IBL, PBL, and ELT into their classroom. In the second revision, the lesson was again changed to utilize the Google Classroom which allowed us to upload documents relevant to the ASSURE model and each of the three learning theories.

As we taught the prepared lesson, we soon discovered that not all of our classmates had a Gmail account thus prohibiting a few from being able to access the Google Classroom or the Google Doc on it. To counteract this and at least allow access to the Google Doc, we utilized the website TinyURL to create a shortened link to the GoogleDoc's website. Another issue we ran into was that we went over on our allocated time which I didn't realize how much until I was looking at the recording after class.  I think a way that I could prevent this from happening again in the future is to incorporate a timer (phone or traditional timer) or open a countdown timer on the computer to ensure that we fit within our established time frame.  In fact, after searching the internet, I found a variety of both traditional and fun themed countdown timers.  For example, there is a traditional sandtimer (with digital countdown), a formal countdown timer, and for a fun there are explosive timers.  In addition as a reminder for the instructor, these can be used also as countdown timers for the students for when they are doing activities for a set amount of time.

In addition to presenting our project, we also had the opportunity to learn from our classmates through their presentations. I personally appreciated how Teresa, Bob, and Melissa taught us about social interdependence theory and incorporated videos by David and Roger Johnson (Co-Directors of the Cooperative Learning Center) which addressed the need and advantages of incorporating cooperative learning into the classroom. In addition, I enjoyed the fact that they incorporated clicker questions into their presentation. Another presentation that I found particularly engaging was when Nikki and Jenny addressed how they incorporate inquiry based and problem based learning into their classes. I personally appreciated the lab about who killed the stuffed puppy as it reminded me of Science Olympiad's Forensics event and it looked like the students were truly enjoying themselves during the investigation. Another presentation which I found interesting was presented by Paige, Breana, and Tate in which they addressed the use of virtual reality to help people ride horses.  I found this particularly interesting as I find incorporating virtual reality into the classroom fascinating and also I love horses so it was highly engaging for me.

Overall, it was really interesting learning about the different topics presented by each of the groups and equally interesting seeing what medium was used in the process. Some of the technology used in the presentations that I plan to use in the future include 
  • Google Classroomvide supra
  • PollEverywhere: PollEverywhere allows instructors to gauge students understanding through submitting responses to multiple choice questions or one word answers which can be converted into a word cloud.  The advantage of PollEverywhere is that it does not require purchasing clickers as the responses are submitted via text message or through their online website.
  • Emaze: E-maze allows you to create presentations using predesigned templates including one which appears to travel around a picture gallery.
  • Unity Program:  Unity allows you to create 3d videos and games which can be viewed either on the app or switched to headset view for virtual reality.
In conclusion, through completing our project I gained experience utilizing the ASSURE model to create a lesson plan. In addition, through listening to my classmates presentations I gained knowledge about a variety of topics and also learned about different technologies which can be incorporated into the classroom.


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